Horse and rider training, offers from all over Europe

Training of horses and riding skills in proven stables and with quality trainers.

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Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️ Horses for sale
Our Team AVDU deals with the sale and training of horses of all ages and disciplines (dressage, show jumping and all-round). Our riders have many years of experience, both in saddling and high sport (T* show jumping, ST dressage and S all-around).
JK eLiTe Horky - Jezdecká škola srdcem
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Equestrian area providing quality facilities for stabling horses and the operation of the Riding School of the Heart, for training horses and riders at the highest level. Equestrian hall, 8 hectares of pasture, top quality riding surfaces, happy horses.
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️ is primarily an e-shop with the widest selection of horse and equestrian books and veterinary literature. It is also an educational platform for riders who are interested in classical dressage, riding without bridles and communicating with horses on a spiritual level.
Vyštajnová Alžběta
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Working rider and salesman for AVDU.horses. I have worked for 3 years as a working rider for Kamenický Dvůr and I am involved in all three disciplines. Current performance in show jumping (T*), dressage (ST) and all-around (S). At the same time, I have a lot of experience in training young horses, both for KMK and for sale.
Michaela Suková
Czech Republic
🔥Nursing for team AVDU.horses🔥 Experienced in riding and grooming sport horses in the Czech Republic. Many years of experience with racing in the Czech Republic. Current performance L. Horse sales agent. Financial advisor.
Czech Republic
I work with horses according to the principles of academic horsemanship. The goal of training is a mentally and physically balanced horse.
Koňská zahrada Energie koně
Czech Republic
In my work I combine the best of what I have learned and am still learning: - old and new teachings of the masters of horses - knowledge of how our brain works and how it transmits impulses to the body - the connection between speech and thought - what patterns influence our behaviour - the processes that support the individual's search for solutions and development in their chosen field (relationships, finances, work,...) - targeted and regularly guided development of desirable patterns of behaviour, thought processes and perceptions of values that influence us in our personal and professional lives - conducting rituals, finding the ancient roots of Czech and Slovak spirituality, Slavic gods and reviving ancient customs around the celebration of the changing seasons - the oldest way of measuring time and worshipping the cycle of nature - therapeutic use of movement to expand the emotional, congnitive, physical, spiritual and social intelligence of the individual
Uzlová Dominika
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Working rider and salesman for AVDU.horses. Current performance in showjumping L**. I worked for Kamenický Dvůr as a working rider. I have a lot of experience abroad, I worked in England for Duffy for a year as a nurse and then a year and a half in Belgium as a B-rider and manager.
Jezdecká stáj Bečov (Chomutov)
Czech Republic
Sport riding stable dedicated to park and dressage riding, training horses and riders of all ages and performance categories.
JS Al-Kham-Sa
Czech Republic
Riding stable engaged in breeding and training of sport ponies
Plačková Irena
Czech Republic
I pass on knowledge from 30 years of experience.
Lenka Kynclová
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
She used to want to go to the Olympics, now she does things differently. 🤗
Lucie Mikšíková -
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Equine physiotherapist and trainer specialising in the rider's seat, incorporating Franklin balls into her training, Centered Riding lvl 1 instructor, Dorn's Method, Craniosacral Osteopathy, The Equine Touch and Fascial Manipulation are all methods Lucie uses in her practice.
JK Vacek, z.s.
Czech Republic
Organizing races. Possibility to stable horses. Possibility of trainings, use of the track with jumping material.
Voice of Horses - Barbora Frey
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Academy Voice of Horses Barbora Frey Training of horses and riders
Adela Neumannova
Czech Republic
Dressage trainer and rider. As one of the few in the CR I have 30 years of experience with preparing horses up to GP level. I have been actively participating in competitions up to that level since 2008 until now. I am mainly involved in training riders of all ages and horses of all breeds designed to work from the saddle. There is also the possibility to become a member of my riding stable Neumann and from about September 2022 to use the stabling in our new stable, where we are building 9 boxes on a professional level in a nice stable, a 21x35m hall with a quality surface of sand plus geotextile and nice tread runs. In the future a 21x61m area also with profi surface.
Koně Vernířovice
Czech Republic
We offer nature rides for beginners and advanced riders. We also organize horse camps for children.
Quality Horses Hungary
Lovasfarmunk 1990-ben alakult családi vállalkozásként, először főként hobby lovak értékesítésével foglalkoztak a szülők. 2004-től vagyok díjugrató, párom üzletember. 2013-ban édesapám halála után átvettük az üzemeltetést. 2020-tól foglalkozunk minőségi ugró, díj és hobbilovak értékesítésével. Azt követően, hogy egy ló hozzánk kerül, megismerjük a jellemét, az erősségeit és az esetleges hiányosságait majd ennek megfelelően egyéni edzéstervet és takarmányozást állítunk össze számára. A lovak heti tréningjében szerepel, idomító - síkmunka, ugróedzés, terepmunka és futószáras talajmunka is. Pontosan ezért nem tartunk 4-5-nél több eladó lovat egyszerre, hogy a minőség megmaradjon! A lovakat szavatossági vizsgálattal értékesítjük és havonta általános állatorvosi kontrolt tarunk az istállóinkban. Minden ló, amíg nálunk van a családunk része ezért fontos számunkra, hogy az a lovas, aki megtisztel minket a megkeresésével számára a legmegfelelőbb lovat találjuk meg. A célunk, hogy hidat képezzünk a lovaknak a megfelelő lovas megtalálásához, ha ez sikerül mindenki boldog! A lovak jó helyre kerülnek, a lovasok elégedettek, nekünk pedig ez célunk!
Wir bieten das komplette Spektrum von Jungpferdeausbildung bis hin zu Korrekturberitt eines älteren Pferdes an. Egal ob Freizeit- oder Turnierpferd, jedes Pferd bekommt bei und die Zeit, die es braucht.

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