Nutritional supplements and feed for horses

Offer of feed and nutritional supplements for horses.

Shown 1-15 items out of 15.
25 EUR
Czech Republic
The hand-prepared KRM Klid feed mixture, together with quality hay (grazing), is a source of a full daily feed ration. It contains more vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant, protects the immune system and, together with selenium, supports the proper function of muscles, thus helping to manage the shock load of horses well. Ingredients: cuttings, corn flakes, barley flakes, alfalfa, sunflowers, apple pomace, beet pomace, black currant, extruded flax Dosage: In the range of 200 - 300 g for every 100 kg of horse body weight, per piece and day.
41 EUR
HEVONEN ProJoint 3in1 is a unique concentrated feed muesli for sports horses, developed for performance and joint protection with glucosamine, MSM and herbs for joint support(meadowsweet grass, nettle, turmeric).
13 EUR
HEVONEN ProBiotic supplement is a live yeast additive that provides a probiotic effect in the intestinal tract of horses.
38 EUR
HEVONEN ProCare 3in1 is an optimised feed mix with herbs, low sugar and starch content. It can also be given to horses suffering from metabolic diseases. Tested premium feed with extra Biotin, vitamins and minerals.
29 EUR
Czech Republic
Convenient set of 6x mane bag and 1x tail bag. Protects your horse's horsehair in all weather conditions!
Czech Republic
A unique muesli for muscle building with high content of essential amino acids and L-carnitine. The feed contains enzyme complex E/ZYM (Alpha - amylase, Beta - glucanase, Xylanase, Phytase, B - amylase) for more efficient digestion and natural antioxidants (extracts of vegetable oils, tocopherols, Rosemary extract) The protein muesli is suitable for young and sport horses and for weight deficient horses L-Carnitine adapts muscles to training and helps the body recover after exercise Contains high quality protein for muscle building, but also energy in the form of oils and seeds Rich in Ca and vitamins B, E, C Thanks to lecithin, excess fat is broken down and energy utilization is increased NovaEqui Muscle has a beneficial effect on cleansing the digestive tract, improving digestion and pH, and last but not least, it has a healthy coat, skin and hooves Ingredients Hot air-dried alfalfa, dried carob pods, sunflower seed, corn flakes, soya extracted meal, linseed, malt flower, soya beans toasted, wheat bran, sunflower expeller, yeast and similar products, calcium carbonate, beet molasses, vegetable oil and fat (6), barley, cooked, plantain seed (psyllium) Dosage 0.5 - 1,5 kg/piece/day Contents Contents Digestible energy for horses (MJ/kg) 11,55 Manganese (mg) 29,4 N-nuts % 16,68 Copper (mg) 8 Fat % 10,1 Selenium (mg) 0,088 Fiber % 14,3 Iodine (mg) 0,18 Poplar % 7,1 Lysine % 0,76 Starch % 8,8 Methionine % 0,26 Calcium % 0,96 Vitamin A (m.j.) 155 Phosphorus % 0,38 Vitamin E (mg) 13 Sodium % 0,06 Vitamin B1 (mg) 3,7 Magnesium (g) 2,53 Vitamin B2 (mg) 2,05 Cobalt (mg) 0,087 Vitamin B6 (mg) 3,8 Iron (mg) 140 Vitamin B12 (ug) 0,046 Zinc (mg) 25,4 L - carnitine (mg) 500
Czech Republic
Long turmeric is a pharmaceutical raw material, rich in biologically active substances. When taken orally, it is recommended for dyspepsia, diarrhea, bloating, loss of taste, hepatitis, liver and gallbladder problems - it promotes the production of bile, intestinal parasites. Their use is suitable for stimulation of the immune system, diarrheal and constipation diseases, antibiotic therapy, digestive tract diseases, post-colic conditions, respiratory difficulties, malignant neoplasms, fybromyalgia - chronic, non-inflammatory conditions of the musculoskeletal system, edema. Curcuminoids are strong antioxidants, they are classified as polyphenols - substances with anti-inflammatory activity, also contains bioflavonoids, flavans and flavanols, with high antioxidant activity. The power contains 2-5% with monocyclic monoterpenes, squiterpenes, resins and dyes (curcuminoids). Restrains the growth of some bacteria and antimicrobial effect on: (Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus) and antifungal (Aspergilus flavus). It is recommended to use for: increasing the body's immunity, strengthening the immune system, in the occurrence of food allergies, diarrheal and constipation diseases, antibiotic therapy, diseases of the digestive tract, post-colic conditions, during long-term treatment with NSAIDs and ATBs, diet therapy, after surgical procedures. Ingredients: Curcuma longa L. ground root Dosage: daily in the feed ration. For horses weighing 550 - 600 kg: for prevention: 25 g per day, in case of indication: 50 g per day for 2 months. For a dog weighing 15 - 20 kg: for prevention:1 g per day. if indicated: 3 g per day, for 2 months. For a cat weighing 5 kg: 1/2 teaspoon per day.
2000 EUR
Czech Republic
for sale Michel Robert Evolution brown jump saddle. size 33/17"
15 EUR
Czech Republic
Směs pro zvláštní příležitosti či jako odměna za skvělý výkon. Vitamínová bomba! Obsahuje banán, rybíz, šípek, řepu, mrkev a měsíček. Vitamín A, B, B1, B2, B6, C, E, hořčík, draslík, mangan, železo, vápník, křemík, jód, beta-karoten.
11 EUR
Czech Republic
Mix podporuje imunitu v přechodném období, lze ho podávat i jako prevenci. Obsahuje echinaceu, šípek a kopřivu. Dávkujte 20-30g/den pro koně, 5-10g/den pro psa, 2g/den pro kočku
12 EUR
Czech Republic
Kašel a nachlazení je mimo jiné vhodný i při potížích s dušností a astmatem. Mix čistí a roztahuje dýchací cesty, rozpouští hleny, je protiplísňový a tlumí kašel. Obsahuje mátu peprnou, eukalyptus, heřmánek, fenykl, sléz maurský, jitrocel a šípek. Dávkujte 20-30g/den pro koně, 5-10g/den pro psa, 2g/den pro kočku
28 EUR
Czech Republic
The KRM Repro feed mixture, together with high-quality meadow hay (grazing), is a source of a full daily feed ration. The mixture contains a high proportion of usable fiber and quality protein, which is an important part of the diet for both pregnant and lactating mares and foals. Sufficient nutrients and a balanced ratio of vitamins and minerals help the mare manage pregnancy and support the proper development of the fetus. Ingredients: cuttings, barley flakes, corn flakes, soy flakes, pea flakes, alfalfa, molasses, sunflowers, apple pomace, extruded flax, carob, vegetable oil, yeast Dosage: In the range of 200 - 400 g for every 100 kg of horse body weight, per piece and day. During lactation, the dose can be gradually increased to 600 g for every 100 kg of body weight per day per day, because around the third month after delivery, breast milk production is highest. From the fifth month of lactation it starts to decrease, therefore we recommend gradually reducing the daily dose again and returning to the usual food with the weaning of the foal and stopping KRM Repro.
28 EUR
Czech Republic
The KRM Pony feed mixture, together with a high-quality meadow hay, is a full-fledged daily feed ration for your pony. It sufficiently covers the daily needs of all important nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In addition, ponies taste great. Ingredients: meat, alfalfa, cornflakes, apple pomace, beet pomace, black currant, extruded flax, carob, sunflower, hemp pomace, peppermint Dosage: Depending on the current load, in the range of 250 - 500 g for every 100 kg of pony's body weight, per piece and day.
28 EUR
Czech Republic
KRM Hope compound feed together with quality meadow hay and grazing will support the harmonious development and proper growth of your young horse's hope. The feed is rich in vitamins, minerals and other elements good for the development of the foal's bones and cartilage. It supports proper digestion, which develops in the first months of life, thus creating a good basis for the overall health of the horse in adulthood. Ingredients: alfalfa meat, soy flakes, pea flakes, barley flakes, beet pomace, apple pomace, sunflower, carob, extruded flax, yeast, peppermint, seaweed Dosage: From the 5th month of age, give the foal in the range of 150 - 350 g per piece and day according to the current needs of the young horse and its size. Until the 12th month of the foal, with each subsequent month of its age, gradually increase the total daily dose, however, to a maximum of 2 kg per piece per day. From the 12th month of age, up to 2 years, the total daily amount is variable also in connection with the quality of grazing. Body weight must always be taken into account.
25 EUR
Czech Republic
The KRM Energii feed mixture, together with a high-quality meadow hay (pasture), is the source of a full daily feed ration for your athlete. Natural energy rich in nutrients and vital substances will be the right motivation for maximum performance. High palatability and easy digestibility. Ingredients: cuttings, corn flakes, barley flakes, molasses, black oats, alfalfa, soybean meal, sunflower, lapilest, beet pomace, yeast, extruded flax, peppermint Dosage: According to the current load of the horse, in the range of 300 - 500 g for every 100 kg of body weight of the horse, per piece and day. We recommend dividing the total amount into 2 or more daily doses.

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