Wide range of horse boarding facilities

Proven short and long term horse boarding, horse hotels.

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Akhalteke Centre
"Центр Ахалтекинских лошадей" Веры Труновой - конный комплекс по разведению и продаже племенных ахалтекинских лошадей. Центр расположен в г. Луга Ленинградской области и является молодым хозяйством по разведению Ахалтекинских чистокровных лошадей.
JK eLiTe Horky - Jezdecká škola srdcem
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Equestrian area providing quality facilities for stabling horses and the operation of the Riding School of the Heart, for training horses and riders at the highest level. Equestrian hall, 8 hectares of pasture, top quality riding surfaces, happy horses.
JK Arendel
Czech Republic
Verified by EquiRadar ✔️
Equestrian area for recreational and sport horses and riders in the village of Líšnice in Prague West, near Mníšek pod Brdy.
Jezdecká stáj Bečov (Chomutov)
Czech Republic
Sport riding stable dedicated to park and dressage riding, training horses and riders of all ages and performance categories.
Plačková Irena
Czech Republic
I pass on knowledge from 30 years of experience.
JK Vacek, z.s.
Czech Republic
Organizing races. Possibility to stable horses. Possibility of trainings, use of the track with jumping material.
Adela Neumannova
Czech Republic
Dressage trainer and rider. As one of the few in the CR I have 30 years of experience with preparing horses up to GP level. I have been actively participating in competitions up to that level since 2008 until now. I am mainly involved in training riders of all ages and horses of all breeds designed to work from the saddle. There is also the possibility to become a member of my riding stable Neumann and from about September 2022 to use the stabling in our new stable, where we are building 9 boxes on a professional level in a nice stable, a 21x35m hall with a quality surface of sand plus geotextile and nice tread runs. In the future a 21x61m area also with profi surface.
Quality Horses Hungary
Lovasfarmunk 1990-ben alakult családi vállalkozásként, először főként hobby lovak értékesítésével foglalkoztak a szülők. 2004-től vagyok díjugrató, párom üzletember. 2013-ban édesapám halála után átvettük az üzemeltetést. 2020-tól foglalkozunk minőségi ugró, díj és hobbilovak értékesítésével. Azt követően, hogy egy ló hozzánk kerül, megismerjük a jellemét, az erősségeit és az esetleges hiányosságait majd ennek megfelelően egyéni edzéstervet és takarmányozást állítunk össze számára. A lovak heti tréningjében szerepel, idomító - síkmunka, ugróedzés, terepmunka és futószáras talajmunka is. Pontosan ezért nem tartunk 4-5-nél több eladó lovat egyszerre, hogy a minőség megmaradjon! A lovakat szavatossági vizsgálattal értékesítjük és havonta általános állatorvosi kontrolt tarunk az istállóinkban. Minden ló, amíg nálunk van a családunk része ezért fontos számunkra, hogy az a lovas, aki megtisztel minket a megkeresésével számára a legmegfelelőbb lovat találjuk meg. A célunk, hogy hidat képezzünk a lovaknak a megfelelő lovas megtalálásához, ha ez sikerül mindenki boldog! A lovak jó helyre kerülnek, a lovasok elégedettek, nekünk pedig ez célunk!
Ranč Stará Teheleň
Do you want to see the nature of Turiec from horseback, take a riding course and learn to ride or ride a horse in the area, or make children happy? We offer all this and more to small and large interested people and horse lovers. The advantage of our equestrian area is the well-trained and balanced horses that are suitable for complete beginners as well as for riders who want to improve their riding and working with horses. Individual training sessions for riders in the form of SPH-training, who have the opportunity to progress and develop their skills. To learn natural communication and to work logically with the horse. Riding with us is not only forward, riding with us offers many more directions.
Enegården Dressage - Horse Hotel Enegården
Enegården Dressage is a small training stable of high standards in Southern Sweden just outside the city of Helsingborg. Omppu Saarinen Lindberg and Eero Lindberg acquired the farm in 2015 and the training stable begun its operation already in 2016. Enegården Dressage offers training and sales services of horses at all ages as well as rider's coaching at high quality facilities.
Koně Řídeč
Czech Republic
We are a family stable with horse riding for beginners and advanced riders. We have 12-15 horses, beautiful surrounding countryside, sand riding arena and we are open to all your wishes. We also offer accommodation, organize stays, camps and camps.
Jezdecké centrum Statek Kočvary
Czech Republic
Our farm is located in a very quiet place with beautiful surroundings, besides stabling we also offer riding lessons, children's club and during the summer suburban camps.
Ranč v Buši
Czech Republic
Our ranch is located near the Slap dam in the picturesque landscape of the Central Bohemian region surrounded by meadows and forests. The ranch is situated on 30 hectares between the villages of Čím and Buš, 30km from the Prague border, still within reach of Prague's suburban public transport.
We posting your sell horses over 10 countries on 10 popular horsemarkets, 5 social media channels and 25 Facebook groups. Get your first free Horse lsting here: https://linktr.ee/post_your_horse
U dvou pštrosů
Czech Republic
Grazing in the beautiful surroundings of the Křivoklát forests. Shelters available. Hay, haylage, mineral lick, riding stables and trainer available by appointment.
Staroboleslavský dvůr
Czech Republic
Horse stabling, riding rings, events for children and adults. Professional seminars not only for riders. A place for pleasant leisure time.
Californie & Korado s.r.o.
Czech Republic
Grazing pasture in Lojovice with a size of 8ha. The horses have unlimited hay, lick + the possibility of 1x daily feeding with their own feed. For riders there is a saddle room, riding ring or hall.
Ranch Amadeus s.r.o.
Professional hunter jumper western training/boarding and breeding facility specializing in amateurs and youth. Martin, Slovakia. 0905 345 939 www.ranchamadeus.com
JK Karlštejn
Czech Republic
Active riding club in Karlštejn. We have our own riding arena with jumping material and our own cross-country track. There are various jump profiles and water jumps on the track and many more. We also have a smaller indoor arena which is sufficient.

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